Start your business

Setup your company in 3 steps with ITQAN

We’re your one-stop shop for all your company licensing needs to help you start your business and get it registered in Dubai.

Setup your company in 3 steps with ITQAN

01. Security approval
With a team of highly experienced business consultants, we can help you manage all your transactions, clear all required paperwork, besides obtaining permits and approvals from all relevant bodies and authorities as soon as possible. .

02. Setup your company 
Signing a Service Contract
Signing the Memorandum of Association
Filling out a Notary Acknowledgment
Signing the Power Of Attorne

03. Residence
We offer a wide range of visa and residency services, including work visas, corporate sponsorship, investor visas, and business visas all over UAE.

Submit a company registration
application in Dubai

Establish your company now in Dubai by filling in the following form with the information required to successfully establish your company. Please answer and make sure you type all the correct information.